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Can You Get Gel Nails Done On Short/Bitten Nails?

While celebrities like Cardi B may have you believe that wearing extra-long nails is the only way to create a fashion statement, Hailey Bieber made short nails the new trend. Not all of us are blessed with long nails hence one might wonder whether gel nails can be done on short nails.

The answer is yes, you certainly can have gel nails on short nails. Because you can’t put artificial nails on short/bitten nails, the overlay must be done with high accuracy; otherwise, it won’t last very long. That is why you should always have it done by a reputable and experienced manicurist. It is how you get the most bang for your buck and have gorgeous nails for weeks. However, maintaining gel nails can be costly and you might want to learn to do it yourself.

Also, most people who bite their nails or can’t grow their nails organically are apprehensive about attempting gel. Getting gel nails as a newbie might be incredibly intimidating. So, let’s take a look at some of the most prevalent worries about gel and short nails.

How To Get Gel Nails On Short And Bitten Nails?

Gel nails combine the strength of artificial nails along with your natural nails. When applying gel nails, there is no harsh fumes alternative to acrylics. Under UV light, the gel hardens. Each layer must cure and harden for two to three minutes under this light. It forms a chemical connection between the gel and your nail. Below are the things you will require to get your gel nails done at home:

To achieve the most excellent gel nails, follow the procedures below:

Step 1: Prep And Base

Before applying any gels, you must first prepare your nails. Remove any oils from your nail plate by cleaning your nails with rubbing alcohol. After that, press your cuticles back and apply a base gel. Applying the gel in tiny layers is crucial, so don’t load up your brush with too much. Keep it light and attempt to use as much gel as possible from your brush. Apply it as skillfully as possible.

If you get any gel on your skin when curing your nails, please be sure to rinse it off. After that, cure your nails for 1-2 minutes in the lab. Remember that each gel has a different curing period, so read the directions carefully.

Step 2: Builder

Using any builder of your choice, lengthen the tip of your nails in this phase. Apply a little bit of cuticle oil to the border of your skin if you think your gel will readily separate from it. Remember to apply a small amount of oil and dab the area if you think you’ve used too much. Next, take your sculpting brush and a small amount of gel and use them to elongate your nails. Make every effort to apply it correctly to the damaged regions.

The purpose of this is to provide some sidewalls for your short-bitten nails. After you’ve finished, apply a flash cure and then a complete cure to your nails. The gel might heat up since you’re putting it directly on your skin. As a result, flash curing for 2 seconds will aid you with this. If they are not entirely cured, you may have difficulty peeling or pulling the nails away from the skin.

Step 3: Application

Remember to apply tiny coats of gel to your nails at all times. Also, when using the gel, try to be as light-handed as possible. Cure the gel for the specified amount of time after correctly applying it. Apply a second layer, this time making it as thin as possible. The most excellent part about gel is that it won’t dry until it’s cured. As a result, you may improve it as much as you want without fear of damaging the patterns. Cure the nails one more time after that.

Step 4: Apply The Top Gel

To obtain that extra glossy look, apply a gel top coat as the final step. Gel polishes are simple to use and apply. You can achieve the most excellent gel nails with only a few simple steps.

Getting Gel Nails: Long Nails Or Short Nails?

When obtaining gel nails, it is preferable to have short nails. You’ll wind up with insanely long nails two or three weeks later if they’re too long, and you might not be able to function. Make sure they’re short while the gels are on to allow for growth. 

Can Nail Biters Have Gel Nails?

For nail biters, there is some good news. Individually molded gel nail extensions are the answer. They make it impossible to bite your nails. They’re lovely, incredibly comfortable to wear, and can be customized to the length you choose. They also give your nails time to heal while they’re on.

What Are The Costs Of Getting Gel Nails?

A single session of gel manicure might cost anywhere from $45 to $100, including nail art, tips, and treatments. And if you want a manicure every two weeks, you’re looking at a cost of $1080 to $2,400 each year.


Gel nails can also be applied to short, bitten nails. Gel manicures on short nails can be just as eye-catching, artful, and inventive as those on longer nails. The gel can alter your dull nails rapidly. They also give your nails a healthier, thicker appearance. With so many design possibilities, it’s safe to assume that people with short-bitten nails can get the pleasure of enjoying gel nails.

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